Hemp Seed Oil Vs Olive Oil, Which Is Better?


Olive oil CBD or hemp seed oil CBD?

Hemp Seed Oil Vs Olive Oil

Neither olive oil or hemp seed oil alter the therapeutic benefit of cannabidiol. Instead, attributes like acid content, stability, taste, and allergy requirements are the best factors to consider when deciding which product to purchase.

Before we break down which type of CBD oil is the best fit for you, we will start with what they both have in common. Both feature CBD from the same high-quality, organically grown European hemp. Both also utilise whole plant extraction, retaining crucial compounds and fatty acids.

The balance of these acids is a critical part of deciding which oil might suit you best. The impact of omega-6 (saturated fatty acids) and omega-3 (polyunsaturated fatty acids) in Western diets has been extensively covered in previous blogs. However, by looking at the specific ratios of olive oil and hemp seed oil, we can begin to make an objective decision.

Based on the table above, you can see the totals of saturated fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (palmitic and stearic). Straight away, you will notice how the different oils measure up. Both exist on either end of the spectrum.

The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3

An imbalance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids is attributed to the promotion of several chronic diseases. The onset of conditions like cardiovascular disease, cancer, and inflammatory illnesses are brought about by an excessive intake of saturated fatty acids (omega-6). By introducing omega-3, we can support the body’s ability to process omega-6 and restore a natural, healthy balance.

The popularity of ready-made meals and convenience eating have led to a sharp rise in the amount of omega-6 being consumed. In some cases, the ratio can be as high as 15:1–16.7:1 (omega-6 to omega-3). Ideally, the balance should be closer to 3:1. Getting closer to the ideal ratio promotes many biological benefits.

Fortunately, that is where hemp seed oil becomes the preferred CBD product. The average ratio for hemp is 3:1, while olive oil is 15:1. Does that make olive oil CBD an unhealthy product? Not if you already have a diet that includes the right balance of fatty acids. In this scenario, the impact of olive oil would be minimal. If, however, you need support in restoring the correct ratio, hemp seed oil is likely to be more suitable.

Total unsaturated fatty acids

If we look at the fatty acid composition of both oils in isolation, then the right product for you will, again, be based on current lifestyle choices. Referring back to the table that details unsaturated fatty acid content, hemp seed oil is the clear “winner”. However, given that many people choose to take omega-3 supplements on a daily basis, the additional unsaturated fatty acids may not be needed. Olive oil then becomes the preferred carrier for CBD.

Saturated fat content

Using the same concept, the scenario above can be reversed. If you have a diet incredibly rich in omega-3, there is less to gain from hemp seed oil. Instead, olive oil can help you achieve the ideal ratio we have previously discussed. If, however, life commitments or work prevent you from always being able to eat a balanced meal, choose a CBD product with a hemp seed oil carrier.


Saturated fats are far more stable than their unsaturated counterpart. This means they are less prone to changes in temperature and damage from exposure to light. If you would rather leave your CBD products out where they can be seen, olive oil is a far better choice. It will maintain its integrity for longer; and by having the olive oil CBD readily available, you are less likely to forget to take it. If carefully storing your health supplements isn’t an issue, stick with hemp seed oil.


Taste is a straightforward factor to consider. Hemp seed oil is stronger in flavour, with a very nutty taste. Olive oil is far milder, and for some will be easier to consume. Both products use the same premium-quality CBD, so choose the one you prefer the taste of.

Allergic agent

The final attribute to consider is whether you have any allergies to factor in. As nut/seed allergies are quite common, hemp seed oil should be avoided. Olive oil, however, comes from the olive fruit so it can be consumed safely if you are allergic to nuts. Again, choose the oil that best suits your needs.

Overall, you can see that choosing either type of oil does not compromise the quality and benefit of the CBD it is mixed with. Instead, the decision comes down to personal preference, allergy limitations, and your own dietary choices. Hopefully, the information provided clears up any misconception about the difference between olive oil and hemp seed oil, as both are a fantastic option.

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