The Importance Of Ensuring Hemp Is Organic


Cáñamo orgánico

The demand for hemp is skyrocketing among consumers and manufacturers. As many of hemp’s varied uses are rediscovered, more and more people are seeking in out to use and produce products from. This could be anything from the health conscious consumer looking to use hemp-based products to boost their wellbeing, to textile companies wanting to make cloths from hemp’s fibre, all the way to insulation manufactures who are looking for efficient and environmentally friendly sources of raw material.


To meet the demand, there are an increasing number of farmers now growing hemp. However, as with all things to do with supply and demand, growing hemp often boils down to price and profit. As such, many do not grow organically, as it pushes down growth efficiency and potential profit. It is not as easy to grow hemp organically. Farmers who want to do so can’t use man-made fertilisers, genetically modified seeds, growth regulators, fungicides, or pesticides. Instead, people wanting to grow organic hemp have to use good old-fashioned crop rotation, and accept they are unlikely to grow as much as someone who doesn’t grow organically. For someone whose livelihood relies on big crops, it is understandable why most farmers opt for the non-organic option.


For many industries, this is not a problem, but for the environmentally conscious consumer, it is. For example, hemp doesn’t need to be organic to produce house insulation from it, yet those building an eco-house would probably feel better knowing that it was – minimising their impact on the environment.

For those looking to ingest the products of hemp, it is a much greater concern. Many buy hemp seed as it is a nutritious source of protein and vitamins. Yet, if not sourced correctly, you could be eating seeds grown with an abundance of nasty chemicals. For example, it is cheap and easy to buy hemp seed from pet stores. Hemp seed is often used as feed for some animals, yet this doesn’t mean the stock held by all retailers it is a good enough quality for human consumption.

This is also important for CBD oil producers, like us. We don’t want any chemicals or GM products ending up in our Cibdol CBD oil, so we go to great lengths to ensure the hemp we use to produce it is certified as organic. The same is not a concern for many unscrupulous vendors looking to jump on the CBD bandwagon, so it is important to always check before you buy!

No matter your desired use for hemp, asking for organic will help create more ecologically sustainable industry, and ensure the product you get is pure (if you are consuming it). Supply meets demand, so if you ask for organic, more and more farmers will start growing it. There isn’t as much organic hemp out there as many assume, so be careful!




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